A New Home for Hospital Yojoa
After a year of meeting with land owners and their agents, talking to local stakeholders, many hours of hiking through numerous pieces of property throughout the Lago de Yojoa region and a lot of prayer, we are thankful to announce that the land purchase for the future site of Hospital Yojoa is complete. The 85 acre property is currently a working farm growing rambutan (a close relative of the lychee fruit), Persian limes, avocados, and coffee. Located just five minutes outside of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, the municipal seat for the Yojoa region, the site will be accessible to an estimated catchment area of 73,000 people.
The road from the city of Santa Cruz to the hospital property
Now that the land is purchased, our next steps involve continuing to raise funds toward the project and completing the environmental licensing process to allow us to begin building.
We greatly appreciate those of you who have already begun to contribute toward the general building fund! Will you pray with us that the right partners would come alongside this project to help support this important work? We also ask for prayers for a smooth process of environmental licensing.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in becoming a fundraiser or a partner with this project please reach out and let us know! The best way to contact us is at hospitalyojoa@gmail.com.
Many thanks,
The Hospital Yojoa Team